Research and development
Mapping of driving activation brain zones under functional MRI
Motor planning, imagery, and execution in the distributed motor network:
a time-course study with functional MRI.
Hanakawa T, Dimyan MA, Hallett M.
Cereb Cortex. 2008 Dec;18(12):2775-88. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhn036. Epub 2008 Mar 20.
The scientific background of the ALLYANE procedure
The ALLYANE procedure allows the patient to create a mental image of the proprioceptive sensations associated with the movement that is to be acquired or restored. It is based on scientific and complementary research.
ALLYANE uses proprioceptive identification protocols (muscle tension, movement and position problems) which are then converted into a mental image.
An electroacoustic low-frequency sound generator, the Alphabox®, increases this stimulation by placing the subject in alpha mode, which is a favourable receptive state.
The neurophysiology of mental imagery
Several areas of the brain – the prefrontal cortex, thalamus and reticular formation – play a major role in the neurophysiology of mental imagery.
To memorise a specific message for an immediate or future action, humans must first solicit the relevant neural pathway, for example: sight for an image and hearing for a sound.
A second sensory message perception pathway also exists . This multisensory pathway reaches the cortex, and in particular the subcortical areas, via reticular formation (which occurs for example in sleep/wake or attention cycles) and the limbic system, another area of the brain. This second pathway receives many of the proprioceptive, sensory and emotional stimuli.
Research & development: the heart of ALLYANE’s success
The ALLYANE procedure allows the patient to create a mental image of the proprioceptive sensations associated with the movement that is to be acquired or restored. It is based on scientific and complementary research.
In addition to consolidating this research, the company works in collaboration with hospitals such as: CMCR des Massues, Centres IRIS Ramsay-Générale de Santé, Centre Orthopédique Santy, as well as the Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité (LIBM).